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Our Donation Efforts at eBiz Facts

How and why we support girls education in rural Africa

Every time we publish a student review of an online business course, we donate $5 to girls education on your behalf.

So far we have donated…


…via CAMFED, which pays for an entire year of schooling for 34 girls in rural Africa.

Why girls education?

Here’s a 3-minute video that explains how investing in girls transforms communities, countries and the entire world…

Education is not freely available to everyone – and in many parts of the world girls are the first to drop out of school, facing the perils of child marriage, early pregnancy, and abuse.

In sub-Saharan Africa, 52 million girls are out of school (UIS Statistics, 2019). Girls remain at a disadvantage in education – especially at the secondary level.

When you educate a girl in Africa, everything changes. An educated girl will…

  • Earn up to 25% more per each finished year of secondary school.
  • Reinvest 90% of her earnings in her family.
  • Be 3X times less likely to become HIV-positive.
  • Marry later and have a smaller, healthier family.
  • Invest in her children’s education and support their studies.
  • Resist gender-based violence and discrimination, and change her community from within (source).

It’s also one of the most effective ways to tackle climate change, because addressing gender inequity results in female leadership for climate action, sustainable agricultural practices, healthier families, increased resilience to climate shocks, and a more sustainable future for us all.


The Campaign for Female Education (CAMFED) is a well-regarded charity that supports girls education in the poorest rural communities in sub-Saharan Africa, where most girls wouldn’t otherwise have the opportunity to finish secondary school.

Here’s a video explaining how it works…

CAMFED supports communities that are among the most deprived in the region. Those communities:

  • Have the greatest levels of poverty within their countries.
  • Suffer some of the highest rates of illness, including HIV/AIDS.
  • Are far removed from hospitals.
  • Lack public infrastructure.
  • Have extremely low literacy rates.
  • Schools in these communities are fewer in number, meaning girls often have to walk very long distances to get to school, putting them at risk of kidnapping.
  • Have fewer teachers and less equipment.
  • Schools often do not meet the safety, hygiene or sanitation needs of girls.

Girls are particularly vulnerable in these circumstances, and their education has the most transformative impact.

How the donations are used?

CAMFED uses donations to provide aid by paying for school fees, providing school uniforms, books, and sanitary protection. They also work with the school by training teachers to be mentors.

Just $150 can keep a girl from rural Africa in school for an entire year… which means the $5 donation we send on your behalf will keep a girl in school for 10 days.

Meet Vida, a girl from Ghana

Here’s a 2-minute video that shows how schooling has helped Vida start her own business and how it impacted her family and the local community…

As Vida’s mother shared in the video:

In all my years as a farmer I hadn’t made a profit like I did last year working with my daughter. With those profits she was able to put a roof on the factory she uses as a processing plant, and she even cemented the floor. […] People now see her as a role model in our community. My daughter has brought change and a lot of great things.

This is the type of impact CAMFED has on girls who couldn’t otherwise afford a secondary school education.

Our contribution goal

Our goal at eBiz Facts is to publish 1,000 student reviews each year, thereby donating $10,000 each year which will pay for an entire year of schooling for 67 girls in rural Africa.