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50 Free Business Courses on Udemy

Udemy's best free business courses (updated daily)

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On this page you’ll find a list of Udemy courses that meet the following criteria:

  • On the topic of business
  • Listed as FREE in the past 24 hours
  • Top-rated courses first (50 courses max)
  • Minimum of 50 ratings
To learn more about how this list is created and updated, click here.

We pull pricing information for all courses on Udemy once every 24 hours via the Udemy API.

We then filter that data according to the criteria noted above, and display the results on this page.

More about our criteria:

Listed as FREE in the past 24 hours

Udemy instructors can change course prices on the fly. We check the price of every Udemy course every 24 hours and show you only those marked as free.

Sometimes an instructor might update a course from free to paid right after we check it. If you see a course listed as free on this page but find it’s no longer free on Udemy, that’s likely what happened.

Such listings are automatically removed from this page within 24 hours.

Minimum of 50 ratings

We only want to show you the best free Udemy courses on this page, so we filter out those that have less than 50 ratings.

That way, you won’t see the crappy course from an instructor who published yesterday and got his friends and family to leave a bunch of unwarranted 5-star reviews.

Top-rated courses first

We sort our list of free Udemy courses by average rating, so the top-rated courses for each category appear first.

However, it’s entirely possible for a Udemy course to have lots of reviews and a high average rating… yet still not be very good 😕

To avoid wasting your time on those courses, check out our guide to properly evaluating Udemy courses.

Related: ultimate list of free Udemy courses | other sites like Udemy that offer free courses

Disclaimer: the prices shown on this page are auto-updated from Udemy's database every 24 hours. Prices may change at any time. Be sure to double-check the price on the Udemy website or app before signing up for a course.

Make the most of Udemy

Check out our in-depth series:

500+ more free Udemy courses

For more 100% free Udemy courses, check the category pages listed below. You’ll find up to 50 courses in each category, many related to making money online.